Saturday, April 30, 2005

Three more knocked down, at least.

Well as boring as the day was, it was quite eventful and fulfilling.

Solidifying the fact that I have no life, I went and bothered people at work for a little while today. It was one of the highlights of my day, actually. When you're bored to death at home, go harrass people at work (if you can manage).

I am retiring my pen today. It actually had to be smacked into signing something today... So it's retired. I think I've used this pen since I've moved here to Logan. I've lost it at least three times; once in a car, once in someone elses house (at least once) and then just misplacing it or leaving it here. It's a real trooper. Yes, yes I am talking about my pen.

And I spent $7.01 on two really cool books today, two that are going into my library project. I bought the King James translation of the Bible for a dollar. A DOLLAR! I needed a bigger one, and this one's likely to endure with being hardback and thick pages, not that scary gold leaf stuff that you think you're going to destroy. And in a ironic note, I picked up the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin (as if you didn't know). It cost the bulk of that, of course, and was the only copy they had. I didn't plan on buying anything and promptly left the store, but that's only the second Origin of Species I have ever seen, and in it's entirety and glory of being hard bound. So that doubles my library project. The other two books being a combination Illiad/Oddyssey and the rather unillistrated notebooks of one Leonardo DiVinci. I find the latter rather dissapointing, but I can claim to have them nonetheless. It just means procurring his illustrated notebooks (a copy of course) at some future date. But I'm excited about what I gathered today. At some point I'll need to seperate myself from the world for enough time to read and study these works. I guess I have a summer coming up... We'll see about that.

Some other developements, but not worth mentioning until more is gleaned. Go about your lives. This is not the blog you're looking for.

"Move along, move along."


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