Wednesday, May 18, 2005

"Every Jedi is now an enemy of the Republic."

So awesome. Can't you just about taste it? It's Episode III. It's here in one more day. Sweetness.

I better get this down before I forget, though. I just finished a book that my brother wanted me to read. One that I didn't enjoy all that much. It had a pretty interesting premise, but it had way too many strikes against it by the end. First of all, the author's other acredited works involved death, dying, or evil. Only about 9 out of 10 of them. Which in and of itself isn't so much, but she's writing children's books. Strike one, at least, not a very good one - but still. Number two? She's preaching in her book. Heir Apparent, the book that I'm talking about here, is "dedicated for, but no patience with, those who would protect our children through humorless moralizing and paranoia about fantasy." All of the punctuation is my own addition in that quote. While I can appreciate the making of a statement (duh, this is me we're talking about), and even that it's in a book, I don't really think that putting that sort of political activism in a CHILDREN'S BOOK is a great way to go about it. First of all, I think they hardly care as a whole, and second of all their hardly in a position to change it. But more than the dedication, the whole reason the plot exists and is in the problem that it lies, is because of an anti-fantasy protesting group rampaging through a futuristic arcade. Strike two. Strike three, while admittedly personal, is that the main character reminds me of my Ex. Yes, a very trite thing for the rest of you (I'll have you know that no matter how good Heir Apparent might be, I wouldn't have recommended it to you unless you were of younger stature anyways.), but essentially you'll have to have known the person, and then read it. If you knew her like I knew her, and knew her before this whole mess that occured, I think you could see the resemblence. It grated on my nerves very much. It at first reminded me of one of my newer friends, but this character lacked any self-confidence what-so-ever unless it was done compelely unconsciously.

Ok, now that I'm done giving it its three strikes, it was ok. Though it pained me a few times, I did like some of the things that developed towards the end. Irony, DND and other nerd stuff. C'mon, it's about a fantasy game, no matter what, it's going to be compared to my fantasy game staple. I did like some of the concepts and characters introduced, but I didn't like one of the statements made towards the end, and the unbeatability of the game. Grr... I guess I don't have very many good things to say at all without revealing the story, but there's some good in anything. Some humor to be found.

Moving on, I'm just driveling it out my mouth now in a fine drool. Lovely image to be sure, I can't help but laugh in anticipation.

Star Wars is cool, don't knock it until you've tried it. We watched Episode II today in preparation. We'll be very much on the edge of our seats. And Clone Wars came out with their episodes last Friday taking you from Ep: 2 up to the beginning of Ep: 3. Sorry if you missed it. I think we got a great deal of it recorded, but probably not the beginning. A bummer, but still. And I almost spoiled something for my family today. It's not fair. My dad made a comment about Count Dukoo being a good actor/liar because he was playing both sides of the table in Ep: 2. Grr...

I have to cut there so I don't spoil it for YOU! Carry on.

"Stay on target, stay on target!"


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