Monday, May 23, 2005

Once again, Science catches up to common sense.

Am I the only one that HATED commercials stating that the sun kills and that you should lock your children inside to prevent skin cancer? Am I the only one that was sick at their disturbingly idiotic fearmongering? How many thousands of years have we endured on this planet WITHOUT shielding ourselves perpetually from the Sun's rays?

Well the Scientists have decided to catch up to something that can logically be concluded already:

They say that Vitamin D might not only be good for you, it might be great! 1 case of cancer for every 30 prevented, potentially. In fact, there's reason to believe that it lowers the risk of OTHER cancers as well (prostate, lung, etc.)

Go figure.

The problem is that you are all in here reading my blog,, or chatting and working too much to see the light of day. Yes, I'm guilty of that to a degree as well, but I don't fear the sun! I know that I'm not a vampire.

Isn't it great when Scientists rediscover things that were already known, or things that made sense anyways? Next I want to see a study of the people that have tried Hemlock. The obvious conclusion will be that it's poisonous. I wonder how many years that study will take... This is why I don't have very much faith in doctors and scientists. They're so bound up in the system of discovering things that they RE-Question things that make sense, and bypass obvious conclusions for pointless answers.



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