Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Holy freaking cow.

Y'know, I liked the guys books. I even liked listening to him for about twenty minutes. But now I can pretty much see that the guy's an ass. I've spoken with someone in one of his seminars who tells the story of how he called her a "whore". And now I've read his commentary and how much of an idiot he is. Sorry, it's my opinion, but it's true. And to give a bit of a side note here, I've loved the books of his that I've read. So who is this mystery author? Orson Scott Card. Yup, he was born in Utah, is a devout Mormon (at least in his public face, I wouldn't give you much more than his talks and his book series for evidence to that end).

His crime? http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-card3may03,0,6007802.story?coll=la-news-comment-opinions

He wrote a commentary on the death of Star Trek, who cares that it's negative? It's that he's got it all wrong. He claims that the only reason that it took off like it did is because no one was reading the great science fiction of the time (among those on his list are Niven and Asimov, nope never heard of them - that was sarcasm if you couldn't tell) because the fans are idiots. More or less. I can't believe it. His opinions are his, but to claim such a long run that he claims sucked is bent on the illiteracy of idiot fans is appalling. Especially since most of those "idiot fans" have read and loved his own works. It's great when the uninformed start to rag on the little guys that are listening. The little guys that really are informed and not so little. I guess the fuckwit's spent too much time on the East coast for his own good. Ironically writing for the LA Times... I know that everyone gets to express their opinion, but a requisite should be that they have SOME reason for commenting other than pissing off one of the largest fanbases in the world. Especially when much of his own revenue undoubtedly rests in that same genre.

Judge for yourself, that's why I posted the article. He's definately pissed me off though. And like I said, it's not because he hates the show, many "fans" misguidedly despise the latest incarnation. It's that he's labeled us as illiterate idiots that wouldn't know good Sci-Fi if it bit them in the ass. I know plenty of fans that are just as big fans of Asimov and friends. Way to go, Card, way to show your litterary skills by showing that you have no intelligence or insight at all.

I'll come back later when I'm not peeved still.


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