Wednesday, September 14, 2005

My first "ABM" password reset.


Ok, so google finally got off of their big butt and put a blog search toolbar out. Sheesh, couldn't believe that there wasn't one of those (on this site) already...

I got my first ABM password reset today. It was a really good feeling, I've got my tools now and can even use most of them! Good day for sure. Empowerment, I tell you.

(BTW, since you don't know what ABM is since I made it up, it's "All By Myself", figured you'd like to know, comma, comma comma, comma. *shrug*)


Watch as the federal courts are allowed to make saying the pledge of allegience unconstitutional. We've already had a supreme court ruling on this, on the same trial (I believe), I mean, big ol' WTF on that one. Bastards. No one really makes you say it, they can't. And it doesn't say WHO'S God we are united under. Leave it to the athiests to get in a tissy about something that only applies in school.

And then:

Proof that Bush DOESN'T control the weather. Ok, well less proof than a very scientific and alternate reason that the hurricanes have been bigger as of late. And it doesn't involve global warming. Go figure.


Blogger A_Shadow said...

Fun and random: a great mix!

Right, silly me. The whole "angry at America" argument.

9/14/2005 07:19:00 PM

Blogger A_Shadow said...


Yes, I think the middle one, you did.

!Exlamation point!

!Exlmation point!

9/14/2005 08:44:00 PM


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