Saturday, December 24, 2005

I think that life would be that much better if I were a Mute.

At least then I wouldn't open my mouth and get myself into trouble, right?

Alas, though, it is not often my mouth that gets me into trouble these days, it is this written word.

Chop off my hands then?

I suppose it's all in my perceptions though. My best ally and worst enemy eternally. Right up there with time...

So tomorrow's the big day. Am I the only one that is operating solely out of the tradition of it? I trudge on because I know nothing else (and if I stopped I might freeze), but it hardly feels the part.

Miserable cold, miserably felt with a miserably negligible ammount of snow.

I'm sorry, but I very much wish there was more snow on the ground by now.


How many of you are last minute shoppers? I know I'm about the worst, but there are reasons for that. Chiefly, I think, is the fact that I actually plan and prepare for it. Un-beknownst to the rest of the world, going shopping is a test of whits and mettle. You fight against others (chiefly in the holiday season), you fight against prices and "the man" and you fight against inflation and the economy. I shop late because I know what I'm getting, where to get it, and usually what's among the cheapest places to find it.

So that's what I was doing today, and I had it all done as planned.

So there.



In case you haven't noticed, Justin's a bit of a looney toon at about 6 in the morning. Why am I up now? Because I started a project late and intend to finish. I've put it off far too long and it requires my attention. Well, my presence anyways.

And if you did notice, or have a problem with me being a looney toon, you can eat hot death, wierdo!


So many people to be displeased with, so little time.

Don't worry, I'm not above reproach on that one.

Anywho. Here we go being looney again.

And as always: Eat hot death, wierdo!


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