Monday, December 12, 2005

This is stupid.

Why is it that the only chatting program worth having, the one with all of my active contacts, is the only one not working?

Damn Murphey. I'm sorry, but the poor bastard's name...

Guess what my error code is supposed to relate to? The time on my computer? WTF should that matter? Where does that make sense? We spent all this time and energy preparing for Y2K to make NEW programs time dependant?

So the solution? Pull up, get the current time: "For up to the minute time, you're watching the time channel I'm your host... The time is now 8:05PM!"


Give me a break, my time is right, and what kind of stupid ass issue is that anyways?

IF you want to talk to my via MSN, I suppose that's tough, at least while I have dial-up. I'm giving my damndest three times a week to update MSN and get new tools to make it work, but I can't get the farkin' thing to do what it should...

Why must it hate me?

I suppose it's not like I check in with people from two countries and the entire span of ours with it...

Heaven forbid.

But I guess I don't even have to make excuses anymore. "Justin, why can't I talk to you online?? *waaaahhhhh*" "Because farkin' MSN doesn't love me! That's who!!12"



Yes, I'm sorry, but our love is not meant to be. I'm not on the "cool meter" when it comes to running the r0x0r: MSN and Firefox don't love me. My firewalls certainly don't love me. And my computer is quickly turning away, but I can fix his waggon.


I just fixed it.

Damn it!

Disregard that entire rant and give me a light, but swift, kick in the ass next time you see me...

It was the time...

It was the year, specifically. Not a freakin' comment.



"Nuclear war was aborted today when the clocks on the Russian Missiles were rolled back by a year, thus delaying the attack by as much as 12 months to a year."

I just added a reason of why I hate Microsoft.

Thank you.


In other news, I will be contacting some of you shortly for aid. I don't feel you should need to feel obligated, but I also don't see it a request that someone could or would say no to. It's a triffle to you, and the world to me.

Anyways, now that I singlehandedly did nothing AND made myself look like an idiot (I fulfilled my quota of once daily, sometimes twice!) I shall away with me. I shall see you MSNers online more often now, I suppose.

(Shut up!)


Blogger vermilion said...

if it would let me run an older version I'd have it... AOL gives me the choice. add unseenwhisperer to you buddy list. Assuming you'd stay up after your bedtime.

12/17/2005 12:56:00 AM


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