Monday, March 13, 2006

I said consummate V's, consummate!!

Right, so I went and saw V for Vendetta tonight.

While I don't usually warm up to many movies these days (sheesh, if you ask my family I must be a critic :-p), this one warms up to me a little later than normal.

Make no mistake, like many stories, I find greater aspects of this have already been done, but it does sort of have the right appeal.

It has a sort of philosophy behind it, one that can be sorted out after the fact, if you're too busy in the actual story during the movie.

It's a lot to take in, 20 some odd years of history while unwraveling current events.

I don't think this is one that I was super excited about, I didn't really know anything about it, but if you're all for branding, how does Natalee Portman and the Wachowski brothers suit you?

It was a rather interesting, I can sort it from its story elements if you would like, but I don't actually like tainting your own opinions with mine. It's a challenge when you have to talk about something without talking about.

I guess that's a hurdle I jump every time I write my blog, eh?


As for the rest of the day. It's been worse, but not much worse.

Kinda one of those "Series of unfortunate events" sorts of things. Just because that phraise comes to mind when I think about a day that was probably pretty good, but filled with a lot of suckage.

BTW, I have decided that we now have 5 seasons, with a potential 6th to be determined later:


It's a little known fact that Sprinter is a plague of our modern times, it promotes feelings of joy and wonderment as the snows pass in the afternoon. The sun is out, the snow is melting/melted, and you go to sleep knowing that spring is here, while when you wake, you are faced with 6 inches of snow on the ground and the fact that, yes, even police cruisers can spin out on the freeway.

Thus, this season of suck, is called Sprinter. As it should be obvious: Half-Spring, Half-Winter.

There does need to be a 6th, however, as a similar one is found in the reverse, Summer-ish in the morning time, cold as hell in the afternoons (btw, anyone ever notice the oddities of the statement 'cold as hell...?'). I have yet to coin a catch word for this other Utah related season, while these weathers might exist elsewhere, they suck the most here. I'm sure of it.

As for the rest, the rest is work.

Though I think I managed to might have sparked some new friendships today, of a sort anyways. I can thank Carl for that one. (Thank you.)

As for the rest of you, my appologies for various reasons.

I don't know if any of it is needed, but feel that you better get it while you can :-p.

BTW, I have currently planned a particularly interesting set of posts for the near future. If you can figure out what they mean, I would find it fascinating and otherwise cool.

Just a kinda heads up sort of thing.


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