Monday, March 27, 2006

An odd thing, to be sure.

I have to vote that today makes a good day.

It was a scarce outcome. The French judge almost gave it a 2, but the Russian judge threatened to pound 'im.

And here we are.

I got rather popular today. I mean, there were the regulars 'Hey how are you doing?' bunch, and then two that normally don't talk to me at all.

Which is cool, because one was my cousin.

All this, after being up all night, and being up late grumpy.

So I'd say that's a pretty good outcome.

I did lose a friend today. A major asset, really.

I won't show it, though. I'm a trooper.

No, she's not dead, silly. Though I did kinda make it sound like that. But she walked out today. She was done with people treating her like an idiot, getting away with it, and all the bull stuff.


I don't really blame her. I'm ready to jump ship myself. But I ned to hold on for a little while longer.

I had a second TL go up to bat for me today, to try to get Unisys to finally promote me.

I don't know about you guys, but that's kinda backwards of how these things are usually reported to go.

I could have been promoted at the last place I worked, but they didn't want to do if I was moving, which was silly, because I transfered. Then the buggers up north didn't like me, for the most part, lol...

But here, I'm glad to see that my immediate supervisors will help me out, if no one else will.

So we'll see how tomorrow goes.

I need to let my actual supervisors (as in title, not job function) know that they made a silly choice by changing my schedule by 30 mins and see if they'll change their minds.

Anywho... I'm sneezing now, eyes are burning, and I'm falling over.

Time to sleep for sure.


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