Monday, April 03, 2006


I think it's about time for my quarterly "What the hell is the world coming to??" post.

About that time indeed.

So many cliches run amok in my mind. Nothing can be simple anymore.

I have a double curse of having it in my mind how the world should work and being extremely paranoid.

Well, paranoid is how you see it, but the only reason they haven't gotten me yet IS because I'm paranoid and guarded.

And thus it brings me to why you are here.

I'm getting a bit more paranoid now.

While, on the surface, I seem like I'm fine, and your comment should have seemed benign, I feel that I know better.

You are rarely quite so short with me, and your tone gave away that something else lurked therein.

You weren't alone, you at least made that much plain before you abandoned me, but you haven't followed up on your statement, either.

I have half a mind to get to you first, before you have a chance to settle into it, to get the story straight, but perhaps I won't. I wouldn't want you to claim foul, to state that it wasn't fair, that you weren't ready.

It's not fair for me to cast doubts on our few years of knowing each other so quickly, but it was so very out of character.

It's not fair for me to not find out from you first, but I have made that mistake before. I have done it, and it has tainted my everything.


Gloomy, I think it's because I'm tired...

I made my first 911 call today. If you didn't hear about it yet, there was a massive pile up on I-15 this morning. A couple of porta-potties were laying in the fast lane, in the dark and unlit portion of the freeway, which caused a rather large pile up.

We didn't even really see the porta potties until we had gone past them, really. I caught a truck almost slam into the median trying to avoid them. Carl had me call 911 and the lady was all calm and cheery saying that they had already dispatched someone.

I think the thing is that the police were probably showing up to witness that accident.

That if they had been a bit quicker, maybe it wouldn't have happened?

I've never really figured out how they would remove something like that anyways.

But it was horrifying to find out that we were right there. Hell, it could have been us.

And I thought it as we were passing, too. There really couldn't be a worse place for two porta-potties.

There's no lighting and they fell into the fast and carpool lanes.

I'm sure it was quite the mess.


Blogger vermilion said...

quite the shitty situation there

911 calls. Enh, never made them, but I've heard them be made. Well except once but that once on accident.

4/07/2006 02:45:00 PM


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