Thursday, August 03, 2006

"They call me MR. PIG!!!"

Okie dokie, holy crap it has been a while.

First a test, it was only a test, now it is a curiosity:

More Emotional

You have:
The graph on the right represents your place in Intuition 2-Space. As you can see, you scored above average on emotional intuition and about average on scientific intuition.Keep in mind that very few people score high on both! In effect, you can compare your two intuition scores with each other to learn what kind of intuition you're best at. Your emotional intuition is stronger than your scientific intuition.

Your Emotional Intuition score is a measure of how well you understand people, especially their unspoken needs and sympathies. A high score score usually indicates social grace and persuasiveness. A low score usually means you're good at Quake.

Your Scientific Intuition score tells you how in tune you are with the world around you; how well you understand your physical and intellectual environment. People with high scores here are apt to succeed in business and, of course, the sciences.


Excellent, behold the power of Google's Picasa

I never knew the thousands of images I had.

Bloody brilliant.

Further more:

I watched the Mothman Prophecy last night for the first time.

Based off a true story? I suppose that depends on your definitions of "based off of" and "true".

Does 100 sitings in 13 months from honest people out of a small town make it true?

You can always watch to find out.

Or you can review my notes, if you want, I have a nice big set of links for those that are interested in delving into it.

I would actually recommend you watching the movie first, so that you can sort out the differences in the story afterwards.

It's actually got me wanting to read the book written off of the events of the time and the sitings being catologued by one of the newspaper people there (I actually believe this person is simulataneously the inspiration for the main protagonist of the film and the author that knows all about the workings of the "Mothman".)

Ironically the descriptions paint a gynormous, yet different looking, bat in my mind, rather than a moth, but whatever.

It's interesting none the less.

If you do decide to delve into it, I have the following notes on my internet research for the topic, names and stories.

One of the most compelling about the Mothman, in my mind, is that by one of the reports a woman who was confronted by it in a driveway as she was arriving to the house of some friends, was so frightened by the sighting that she dropped her 2 year old girl.

That's some scary shit.

Do mind the fact that the collapse of the Silver Bridge was a very real event. Very tragic indeed.


Here are my notes for those interested:

Note that 46 people died, not 36. Also, 31 out of 36 cars fell into the bridge that day, perhaps where that number stems from.

There is story of at least one gentleman who managed to abandon his vehicle and run off as the bridge fell behind him.

Date: At approximately 5:04 pm December 15, 1967 the Silver Bridge Collapsed and forty-six people lost their lives. Forty-four bodies were recovered and two are still missing.

News clippets:

List of those lost:

Stories of those that believe they were saved by happenstance/fate/God:

Photo of collapse:

The Mothman:

Deputy Millard Halstead

Related (Curse of Cornstalk)?:

Different site, similar info:

Fansite? Profile:

Mothman: The Hype:

Note: There is a book by the reporter in the area of the time titled “The Mothman Prophecy”, but am not sure about the contents. More to research with that. AKA Libary.


Needless to say it was a very eventful day for research of the paranormal. Quite odd indeed. Right up there with UFOs, despite the fact that the two were occuring simultaneously, but I dare say that definately has more sightings in succession than Bigfoot or UFOs ever have.

Some have theororised that it was a group hallucination, but I don't buy that. The real struggle now is: If you do not believe in the paranormal, how do you explain all of the independant sightings?

This is not easily ignored, even for skeptics.


Blogger vermilion said...

not a bat. Please no... Moths are so much more curious, and what would you call it if it was a bat. Batmans been copyrighted.

8/08/2006 02:59:00 AM

Blogger A_Shadow said...

Batman still would have been more accurate.

BUT, I don't see what's so damned curious about setting yourself on fire.

I mean, sure, moths get around, but running into a bug zapper ain't exactly an exploratory science.

8/08/2006 07:05:00 PM


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