Sunday, February 27, 2005

Not all that glitters is gold,

Not all that wander are lost...

But I sure seem to be lately. That's alright, I'm getting tired of it, time to do some changing. Nothing bad, I'm just not up for spending more of my weekends wondering why I'm at home and alone. I can stand being alone, that's easy, but being all cooped up at home complaining to myself that I'm home, alone, is stupid and I'm just starting to get around to changing that.

It's been a little tougher seeing parts of my world warp off and other parts just simply dematerialize for no reason. I'm hoping to be able to catch up on and find out about all that in time, but time won't let me for now. I can simultaneously have too much time and not enough. The second I say "Where did all of the time go?" I have more than I need and as soon as it's gone, I need it... I hate time. If I could make time follow an average and standard path, I would have no problem doing all of the things I want to in a timely manner... But it simply won't cooperate... Oh well...

I read another end of the world thing yesterday, yeah, they do get old after a while. This one says some "Galactic Superwave Event" will send all of these UFOs our way to save us, basically like Christs' second coming. Not all that impressive. Scary sounding, but not a whole lot of credibility with even the crackpot evidence they were using... But coincedentally, three days later there is going to be a total solar eclipse, I think it was over parts of eastern Europe. It kinda makes you think... The guys' sorce of info for the most part was Nostrodamus, go figure... But that's March 26, 2006 if you wanted to mark the date and laugh with me and a few others... Then the eclipse is the 29th.

Other than that, not too much going on. Just struggling to get time to cooperate with me and let me put my feet on the ground. I realised that part of it was my mentality. I haven't quite been grasping that I'm on my own now. For somereason in the back of my mind I'm thinking that this is temporary and in a while I'll just go home and this is just another chapter. Not really catching that now I get to write my own book, and have been for a while... Kinda odd. I can't seem to get my consciousness to understand certain things that it needs to... Don't know how to explain that better, anyways...


Blogger globetrekker said...

I liked the title of your post (and the following line) very much. Kinda like said my story...
This post of yours seems very much like what's going on in my life...
Nice read,

3/01/2005 11:08:00 AM

Blogger A_Shadow said...

Well I'm glad to have helped. I can't remember how accurately quoted it is, but it's actually Tolkein's. It's a verse from the poem of prophecy about Aragorn's return. I rather liked how well it was put together.

Hopefully I can help more if you need it, or at least with mere droning on about my life. :-D

3/03/2005 03:20:00 PM

Blogger globetrekker said...

That's one of the books that I never seem to be able to complete. After a bout of Harry Potter marathon of 5 books in 5 weeks, I couldn't find the time to finish LOTR (though managed to see the movie 3-4 times each)

The interesting thing about posts like yours are that they give an idea that there are people like yourself out there...
Keep visiting...
(BTW thanks for your comment on my blog)

3/03/2005 10:35:00 PM

Blogger A_Shadow said...

No worries.

Sometimes it is heartening to know that you aren't the lone of your kind in all the world. I would dare argue that there will be some form of companionship, or at least something to learn, from everyone.

To be honest, I think that the verse is found in one of the Histories of Middle Earth books. To my knowledge that "series" contains about 15 volumes. I found it when researching some of the elvish language on a website (

I actually haven't read Return of the King, but I have read from the Hobbit through the Two Towers. I didn't want to ruin my enjoyment of ROTK like I did with Two Towers. Reading the books that were magnificent and then listening to Peter Jackson gripe about not having enough time, while simultaneously having him add stuff that shouldn't have ever existed was too much for me. I'll likely read ROTK when I get around to wanting to read the Silmarillion. It's amazing the depth of his work that isn't in the Lord of the Rings. So much history and story...

3/04/2005 12:55:00 AM


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