Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Take two, they're small!

It's been another great day. But it kind of makes me wonder who is suffering for it. But I suppose I know...

I was lucky enough to be home and watching the History Channel today. They did a two hour special on the Spartans from the beginning of what we know of their culture through the end of the war with Persia (the name of the final Persian defeat escapes me now... It was like Pelayate or something...) Very cool indeed, but ironic. Their society was very Nazi-esque and smacked of 1984's Big Brother, and yet it is so revered by western culture. I guess the saying is right that the victors right history and it gives edge to "Might makes right." I don't agree with it, but it's amazing how we can overlook their savage society and only see their supremacy in battle...

On top of that though, I went and saw Constantine. Did everyone else love it is much as I did? Holy cow what a good story. I just ate it up, even though I didn't like what they did with one of the Angels that we all know and love... But it was still good.

To top that off, there was a whole lot of close calls tonight that went in my favor. I think that's always a plus. After waiting for 2 hours for the theatre to open I saw that they had a cash only policy, and even though I feel like a dork for it, they let me pay in quarters... But then I came out of the movie and meandered over to the bus stop with impecible timing and they took me most of the way home. They only end with half a round of stops, and lucky for me mine is only two out from the station. It's raining, more like drizzling, but that adds a beauty to this night. Even though it's cold...

That's mostly it. Beautiful.


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