Monday, November 21, 2005

'Ello, 'ello, what's all this then?

I'm sure you've seen that title before, so sue me for copywrite infringement on myself.

Do it, I'll win.

I had a rather eventful weekend, as usual. Days off are just as busy as working days, these days.

A whole lot of days all in all.

Sunday sucked, but I'll spare you the details.

Friday, not so bad. I was kinda disappointed with the whole party thing, after all of the talk and everything I ended up being the only one that kept with the plan other then those who procured the food and drink...

But it was fun being the Grim Reaper anyways. I think I mostly startled the delivery person, but only because she seemed to have the need to shake my hand and make sure that I don't bite.

Wouldn't blame her, I'd probably do much the same thing there...

Saturday was completely and udderly full. Nope, no cows, but it was definately udderly amazing that I was able to time it so well.

Meeting, avoid slaying evil doers, home for dinner, and play.

And the old fashioned meaning of play at that. Like real, live, theatre I tells yah!

'Cept that it was High School kids, not that it should matter...

But more then that I was able to see an old friend, and from the reactions it seemed that reunion was long overdue.

Never ceases to amaze really.

Maybe deep, waaay deep down, that's why I'm a Shadow. My own personal soul is an attention whore way down there. Just like everybody else. You might not think so, but maybe that's what it is.

After all, it has been a year or two since I've been pounced on.

And it was quite litterally that.

See, I see someone, and I keep myself in check. (Less embaracement that way)

But not a lot of my friends. They just have to pounce.

T-I-Double Guh-ER.

Or is that bounce...?

Not sure, no matter...

So now I have my typical Justin-typed delimna. Swapping phone numbers with the intent to catch up, but I've never really been all that good at it.

I suppose there's at least the opportunity to catch up and take it from there, right?

Take everything a step at a time.

Like all of this growing up none-sense.

What's wrong with you people? Lol...

You've let me run off with a responsibility waaay before my time.

I suppose that's how it's always been with me, or always seemed.

But now I'm getting involved in serious "adult" business.

Pardon the moment's n00bness.

I just need to take a step, and a breath, back and take in the sights.

I'm helping to organize a major event with all of its own trimmings. I'm going to be dealing with people that I never imagined or hoped to meet.

And I'm going to do it before half of you realize who you are... Not that it's much different for you. I would dare say (however humbly, heh) that I have at least a general idea.

Never you mind that I have no idea on heaven or earth of where I'm headed at the moment.

Enter the next post and exit the current one.

If you read this tonight Carl, you'll obviously need to bring up this particularly vaigue comment in the morning. Yes, the one pointed at you. And if you don't read it, Kevin or Dani will likely bring it up if you don't.

And if none of you do, we're all lost.

(Oh, and BTW, I'm on the internets now with my new computer... Dial-up still, but hopefully soon to be upgraded to something better, methinks.)


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