Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Why do I feel that I tread this ground unwanted?

I think you're just going to have to deal with it.

I am only meant to be a shadow. That's all there is to it. I am much to big to be anything more, much to important, much to powerful.

The only way to keep myself alive and unlynched by the masses as they lie in wait, is to lie lower.

I shall forever scream but a whisper, stampede as a falling leaf, and be as forward as your trailing darkness.

That's the only way this will work.

As a shadow continually longs for the light, so will I, but such a creature is not meant to be.

I am not meant to be this. It is evident in everyone's reactions. I figured out the "why" behind the "push/pull" mechanism that has run my relationships, and I'm the fool who is using it.

It is the only common thread. The friends that I lose are the friends that I meddle with. It's not just so in one case, but in all cases.

I step in to help, I help because I can, and I push them away. That or they flee, but it's much the same to me.

If I think of those that I have maintained, it is exactly thus. They remain because I have never stepped forward to "help" them in some dire situation.

The irony is that even those that have asked for it, have befallen this fate.

And that explains how you are the fluke that you are. It's not that there's a duration, a time limit, on each relationship. It's that there is only so much "help" that someone will accept.

You have never really needed any. You are much the same as I am, but different enough all the same. You can stay your course because you have always needed as little help as I.

And there we are. That is why I lose, and that is why I will follow my "hands off" policy to the ends of the earth. I definately have the means, but the world has spun before me, and the world will spin long after.

And thus: why does it feel as though I tread upon ground unwanted?

I simply wish to make contact, to reconnect where that was once in existance, but it seems as though you cringe from me. Feels as though you hide from me. A Shadow is never meant to touch you, but you can hunt down and touch a shadow just fine. I will talk, I will look, I will laugh and speak and you will know me as that. But I will never touch, never hold, and be damned for all eternity if I spend more than my time near anyone of you.

And so I am damned. Damned until I withdraw back to where I should be. And that is all as it may be. I am not allowed to choose, never have been. I am simply waiting, waiting for one of you.


Never makes much sense... I went arround trying to reconnect with friends the other day, after I posted. But I feel very out of place, like I went to a party uninvited and knowing only a few of the people there that I haven't seen in ages...

I don't think I was meant to do that, but it felt like the thing to do, until I did it...

I think this is how it should be. I know, not many of you like that I'm a shadow. But why must it bother you at all? What is there to gain from the light? I'm no plant, I know where my soul is and where my nourishment stems from. So why needest I come to play with the creatures of light that shun me as much as I them? Why must I pretend to play along and they return the courtesy just because we were born of the same means?

We are not the same. We have never been the same, and likely will never be. You will never choose my deformed visage and I will no longer seek to come to the light. We are similar, but we are not so.

I always knew either the world was upside down, or I was dropped on my head. I suppose I know which one it is, always have. If you had built the world right side up, we wouldn't be in this mess.


Blogger vermilion said...

You sound like a character from a book you said you'd never read. Ironically enough.

So am I Giovanni now? /jk I know I'm not, just more of a tired but patient Nadir.

If this is what you want understand you are are the one with the most to lose. Just a 'lil man to man talk here, and yes I can act as a man as easily as I can be a woman. As far as i'm concerned I'd really prefer for you now to treat me as genderless, as I will you. I don't want my gender to label me. Laugh if you will, but it's true. I prefer to be well rounded.

I know too well that people aren't nice,that people don't share my values. People hate. People steal and abuse each other. People are afraid. People tell themselves not to care and hope whatever tells them no will die.

You may be a shadow because you won't let yourself be anything else.

Yet a shadow trails another being always. There is an absencse of light because something solid is in the way. So in that sense maybe I can see it, something solid is in your way so you feel that you are the shadow which is encasing you. You've tried climbing only to fall walking only to stumble. Drilling through could take so much time but it's worth it. It's really worth it.

But don't believe me. Believe it because there is something in yourself worth believing in.

A lot of people choose to close up. Some people choose not to because they just don't think too much into it. Some people stay receptive to humanity because they realize that they are in the world not to be nurtured and cradled by everyone that they meet but that they have many things to learn and relearn as a human, that certain gains will be worth the losses but in the end it's worth it.

Why sentence hope to death to silence fear? Feeling or hoping for something is not horrible, it is not looked on as crude. you said that this wouldn't happen again.

I spent two years of my life looking for the best ways to send people away without doing anything big. I hate how biased and judgemental people can be. It was making fun of them without them knowing it, some couldn't look at me and why? Because society told them people have to dress a specific way and that I have to act according to my gender. THen I realized I was at equal fault because I hated people for being so quick to label and ' know' for expecting unrealistically. I became the one who was labeling, expecting, 'knowing' how they really are. They were wrong, and I began to be as wrong as they were.

I've decided to stop living in fear. To let the rules of others rule me. I've decided to begin. To stop pretending I know and start an active search for the truth and what is right.

People are going to walk all over you. People aren't always so gentle and polite with me. The crowds wont acknowledge you but indiviuals will. Some will hurt you or seek to hurt you. Steal from you. Some won't More than you think or let yourself see won't. There are good people out there but you have to look really hard.

If I had continued that way I would have never met many of my good friends now. I would have continued to single you out for my own delusion. I would have unfairly labelled Anna and Katie and many many others which you may or may not know.

You do exist. People notice. And if you keep on going farther on like this it won't be just because people seem spineless and irrational that life appears to be so cold to you it will be because you have killed the ability to recieve warmth. If you feel unwanted it is because you have at this point conciously focused on not needing or wanting and learning on how to be unneeded by everything else. Why do you feel that way? Because everyone has their doubts? Will your doubts be your deciding factor? Your perception? I am the way I am because I don't want my spirit and hopes to die.

To live as a good man you must keep your heart and mind in balance. That weeping solider over there in the bar who fled from war and the killing cries the same way as the widow does when she is turning to stone. They are both going into hiding, into themselves where no one else can follow.

What I was trying to tell you the other night was two leaves i was examining the other day. One was fresh and green and still contained all it's nutrients. The other was shriveled, coarse, hard and colorless. I wondered if it had put up a guard against the world by hardening itself. Want to guess which one punctured easiest? The soft one or the hard one? The hard one has no reason to remain to care toor to alter. It crumpled and ripped and it's shell made no difference to it.

People are made of soft flesh. We can build calasts but if that area is lacerated the healing won't be the same as if it wasn't; The healtheir the skin and body the more prompt and better the healing. We weren't meant to make our skins and our hearts as our shields.

Don't listen to me if you expect me to be convincing. I couldn't convince anyone if I tried. But you deserve my honesty and a little truth right now. In the end you're free to do what you will and my opinion and respect for you won't be changed by this descision. It will be hard to watch but I've been ha ving dreams lately of people to die or beg for death. I tell my mom I'm made of stone when she thinks I'm worried about something.

11/04/2005 01:24:00 AM

Blogger vermilion said...

As an after thought, I've tried to go out of my way for people because I realize I'm in a world where too many people will take more than they can ever give. Many many times I've tried to help people in the wrong way.

We don't live lives in formulas if and then. If i try to help will it make it all better? no. yes. sometimes. later on. partially. unnoticiably. yes. potentially.

No set answers in this life. This life is an uncontrolled experiement, so many unseen variables.

I mean it when I say people can buy me something small as a gift and I will cherish it because it truly is the thought that counts. I got really mad at my mom for throwing away an empty but clean mountain dew bottle because I got it for my birthday from someone who had to look for pennies around her house because they were really really poor. Whether people notice it or not it is the thought that counts. If you surrender that thought what happens?

You become those you try to avoid.

It's funny that you say you can never help someone. Because talking to you as a person helped me to stay sane in a really dark and frightening time a year ago exactly when I was completely alone. And I've never thanked you for that.

*I will not be ruled by the rules of others. Typo sorry. had to be corrected cause that's a bad oopsie.


word verification is drongs! Drongs! hahha

11/04/2005 01:49:00 AM

Blogger vermilion said...

Mmm chocolate.

Need some too but don't tell bro byers it's milk chocolate. He'll talk too much.

11/04/2005 01:53:00 AM

Blogger A_Shadow said...

I think I understand where a lot of the misconceptions come in here now.

I am not a shadow in the "shadow" of someone else.

Think of it as more of a wraith or a dementor. I am a shadow, a black creature of dark energy, not someone stuck behind some pillar that keeps me a slave to the light.

Think of me an apparition, much akin to a ghost. Of course you know I'm there, of course we can interact, but I can come and go with or without permission while you are all slaves of the "real" world.

I am not a shadow because something stands in my way. I'm not a shadow because it hurts me to interact with the real world.

I am a shadow because I choose to come and go as I am, as I will. I am a shadow because I can be seen only when I want you to see me, be heard only when I speak to you.

I shall no longer bleed in public for the pitiful wounds that I recieve.

You met some of the greatest people in your life by not being a shadow. I met some of the best, that turned out to be the worst from mine.

I carry my torch high, high up for all to see. But we are in a valley of the blind, no values are found here, no hopes, no ears for which to listen.

I shout out what is needed and it falls on deaf ears. I sing and dance and play while no one is watching.

I care when no one does, about people who choose not to care for themselves.

There is no point there.

I will no longer bleed in public for the blind.

I will no longer sing for the deaf.

I will no longer care for those that won't care for themselves.


I will do as I choose, care for whom I choose, and show it when I choose.

That's how I'm a shadow, not every one of my whims and my ways are here for the scrutiny of the public because the public doesn't care. And why should they? Why should I? Why should I try to help a public that wants it not? Where's the logic in that?

I have fought that battle to all loses and fought further on.

There is no victory, there is no point, because the very people you seek to protect attack you back.

It was always thus and thus it will always be.

So now I will only engage with those that want it. I will fully embody the freedom of your own will, there is no way for me to fight for a lost soul, to capture and save someone who would rather wander off.

I will say "Hey, you don't want to do that." I will try. And I will fail because they will turn on me.

It was always thus and thus it will always be.

I have never known any different. Very rarely will someone ask, I've always volunteered. But as with most things, silence is not consent. I ended up damaging something there without knowing it. And ruining a far greater thing than had I left it alone in the first place.

And thus no more will it be. I don't want anyone to cry for me, no one needs to go out of their way for me, never have needed to.

I am simply shifting back to where it should have been.

And if you are quiet, and strong enough, you can hear this silent whisper:

"The only constant is change."

11/04/2005 12:13:00 PM

Blogger vermilion said...

I've always been the last in line and the odd one out. There is no real world in exisitence that I would slave to. I've always danced to distanced rhythms anyway. I kindof like my agency. Perhaps it's that pagan spark in me that keeps me travelling.

The world is upside down isn't it? But what would we have to learn from the human experience if it all was perfectly straight? As a Christian you see life as a test of soul spirit and mind no? I think we're down here to see how many things we'll be able to turn right side up to their natuarl alignment, even if it's only in the mind which in itself spans so much distance. to show a commitment to good despite the odds.

What ever gave you the idea that you have to make everything all better? You do have limits and those limits do not make a person terrible. It would be great if repairs could instantly be given but they're not.

New medicines need a fair amount of introduction time as to not upset the body. Small doses are given and gradual upgrades are made, the body slowly accepts it instead of attacking the chemical or itself.

Help is kind of like medicine. It's dose needs to be carefully prescribed and montitored and levels need to be readjusted. You can't give more than the body is able to accept at the moment. It may not always be that they don't want help as it is they don't know what to do with it.
I know what that's like all too well.

Most sucessful large scale acts were done in careful sweeping steps. Thus the old addage Rome wasn't built in a day. It's not an instant jumpstart, it's not as quick as electricity because Zeus is an @$$hole.

Some people I can't blame for not wanting help. Because they realize just how much changes they will have to make how many new obligations will pop up and to think of stiff and unborn priorities when your world is shattering...

People are more likely to take help if you are willing to let them fail too. Sometimes we need a little room to fail, I know many who have told me they have learned from failure give them a little room for that.

I started writing last year about this idea, a helping hand that was unmet drew back and became a fist in response.

Sometimes it takes me years to learn a lesson someone was tryign to teach. Echoes of my grandfather and distant friends cross into my mind now and then. Things that I didn't notice much at the moment but have returned in a moment of remberance for me to contemplate them in retrospect. I think I really discouraged one of my close friends in junior high because it was hard for people to convince me that my natural ways were not always the best ways. (feeding the cancer of my intellect... sorry lyrics again.) Little things that she told me here and there some without even meaning to stand out now. She was the one who showed me that I could think for myself and that I had more capabilities than disabilities.

It takes time, you

And with you helping people, you've been doing too much extracredit before you finished last weeks home work.

I hope I don't appear to be harsh here, I surely don't feel harsh right now. I've just noticed this though as I've watched you over time, because you feel so strongly about something you will dive in and out at strange intervals. the results can't be expected to be posted. It's not like the movies when someone says something drawn out and profound and the listener is swimming in oceans of epiphany and instant understanding and from that moment on it stays that way. It's poision because it doesn't go that way nineteen times out of twenty.
Strange philosophy there, but I think I can accept things that I will never understand. I still hold though that you dont know how to let yourself be anything but a shadow. I think it's grown on you.

Though it's good to hear that you can participate in life the way one was meant to.

You're more of a gray though in my opinion not a black shadow.

I've known and cared about one of the blackest shadows I have ever met. To give you an idea of his lack of faith in the world he did not believe that mother child bonds really existed. That love was a lie that people liked to believe. That no matter how hard he tried he would still bleed the same way.

He frightened most away, but as I'm nocturnal I'm used to the dark.

I've met further extremems in other people. You're not alarming me the way you might think you are.

11/05/2005 01:51:00 AM

Blogger vermilion said...

I guess my question for you is why is it that you need approval to continue on with a true voice and firm existence?

THat's what I don't understand.

11/05/2005 01:54:00 AM

Blogger vermilion said...

Yes, yes. Hash

As an after thought most are also capable of disappearing when they want. One is rarely ever heard. one of my friends is sleeping on the street right now because the public has learned to ignore so well.

Being removed, it's not as unique as you think.

It's the ones that are truly there that are the rare ones. Most dont dare.

11/05/2005 02:08:00 AM

Blogger vermilion said...

Hash hee hee he.

How many times can I comment in one night?

11/05/2005 02:11:00 AM

Blogger A_Shadow said...

You answered your question before you even asked it.

To hold to the light is to try to make everything right.

I suppose it's sort of ingrained that when you feel like you need to do good things, even the slight injustices in the world get your goat so to speak.

I try not to need, try not to need to make everything right to interfere and meddle with anything and everything, but when I have righted nothing, I must try to right everything. Right?

I need to fix something, to at least have my hand in fixing something or what was the point? If I live and die as I am, as I was born, then why the hell was I ever here in the first place?

To be content with what you have, with what you were born with almost seems wasteful. Not that I need "things", trinkets and valuables, I simply need to make my existence here worth something so that I don't waste the gifts that I WAS given.

If I was given the power to right the wrongs, to mend the tattered fabric of a life, and NOT USE IT? How well would that sit in the weighing of the universe?

What would you do in that situation? You are an artist, you have been called to that path by your will or another, it matters not. But to hear that call and ignore it? That would be unthinkable, wouldn't it?

11/06/2005 08:06:00 PM


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